Monday, January 03, 2005

amigos para siempre y hermanos tambien

it is always great to start the year right; waking up early for work, seeing your officemates (at least only the ones that you really want to see) again, exchanging stories of what had transpired during the long holiday break (that occupies almost the entire morning that was supposed to be devoted for working...the bosses are still out on their respective vacations so i guess its just fine! hehehehe!

the true challenge in all these comes in sustaining that great start. today is the first day of work for the year and i was able to come on time. i can't say how long i can sustain this but i am just happy to start this year with a bang!
i am not so much inclined to talk about my professional life, rather, i am more interested in writing about the new friendships that i have interestingly developed at the start of the year. it is always a pleasure to be meeting people. i guess this goes with who i really am - my out-going, free-spirited, and sunny personality truly reflects the people person in me and who doesn't mind being approached for the right reasons.

very particular amongst these bonds that i am referring to is about this friend that i have just met...just this morning. i met this wonderfully nice, kind, understanding, calm and especially intelligent and intricate soul! a graduate of one of the top law schools of the country. actually took the bar last september. i met this person by a mere chance! a chance that the person bravely took when i in fact declined at the instant prodding. the meeting came at a time when i was too much engrossed conversing with another new-found-friend that suddenly became sour for an unknown and yet settled reason.

the first conversation lasted for hours and it was one of those that you will take even in your slumber. the topics varied from the mundane things that old friends talk about...yes, it was an instant click! it was as if we have known each other for a long time. from the initial getting-to-know-yous to more mature topics and eventually topic that involved life and future plans. honestly, i had fun, and although i don't easily trust people and i initially hold back on some significant facts in my life to complete strangers, i caught myslef giving every little bit and piece of information about me...that incliuded my pathetic lovelife, my big C, my family, and my other friends.

the converation ended with a truce that we will be there for each other. it wasn't just an ordinary promise from someone, but it came from the willingness of two souls. two very distinct and individual minds that met and agreed to discover the superlatives of life.

this experience taught me that what lies deep beneath all of us, no matter how we conceal it, is the fact that we can still get those elusive aspirations in this enigmatic life. i was waiting for someone to come along for the longest time, given my painful emotional hurts in the past. that we still can meet the right people in the most opportune time, and no matter how weird the cirscumstances may be, you will surely bump into somebody whom you can call a friend, without any malice, only love...who knows what will come right next...


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