Friday, February 03, 2006

gloomy doomed

argh! i don't know what's to come. i know that certainty is not of anybody's monopoly, but if there's one thing that i am sure of right now, i am all set to have a gloomy doomed BIG P life. don't ask why...i just am certain of it.
i wish i'm somewhere else doing what i really want and yearn for. that way, i only have myself to blame. i will not complain. and even if there are pain and disappointments here and there, they are always welcome. no room for gloomy doomed days.
the amazing grace will come around. i will come around too....i hope...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is BIG P? Haha!

Who wouldn't want to be somewhere else doing what we really want and yearn for? I think most of us do. It's just that we're living in a material world. you gotta be rich coz everything you want has to be paid for. And what makes it more impossible is when there are people depending on you.

6:57 PM  

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