Monday, December 05, 2005

bumps and bumpings

we sometimes fail to recognize how fortunate we are for being at the place we always wanted to be and for having the things within our reach. people come and go but others stay. i don't know why, but there are still a handful who will gladly stick it out with you no matter what.

i recently bumped into someone and the feeling was just too intense that i know this will get to somewhere. i am bad at predictions and sometimes worse in forging relationships. but this one is way too different. i can bet my month's salary (which is minute, by the way!) and my most precious possessions on this. why the certainty? because i'm giving something worth more than any material belongings that i possess...i am giving my thoughts, the little time that i have, and myself! sounds serious? well i guess i am!

the bumping may have been a little untimely as it came when i am about to explode and swear that i won't yield again. it may have been side-splitting (haha!) and surreal because of how it happened...but hey its nice! after all, fortunate accidents are what we sometimes wish to happen.


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