a colorful victory

i watched the inaugration of barack obama, america's 44th and first black president. our president. i always tell my friends this; his victory is our victory. his is not only the triumph of the blacks, but laso the victory of all the people with color. and that incudes me! i am just so glad that this happened during my lifetime. it was inconceivable some five years ago. but look at where we are right now. cynicism and disparagement became a surreal reality.
this is 200 years in the making. the so-called america’s original sin now in power. a majestic victory. this is a case were yesterday’s history is just history. obama’s family, will now ironically reside at the white house, the very same abode constructed by the black slaves. obama definitely re-writes history.
i am certain that racism will not die upon obama's assumption into office. however, i am a staunch beleiver of beginnings. at least this is a beginning of something. obama's victory starts an era where everything is possible. people's empowerment is at all-time high. and that is not just in america, but all over the world. i can only surmise that never in the world's history did people anticipated and waited and tuned in to the swearing in of america's new president. well, this is at least my first time. the democratic primary was also my first time to really be glued in america's politics.
i am just happy. i may not be american, but i am a citizen of the world. and i repeat, his victory is mine as well. this is indeed a colorful victory.
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